5 Minute Stretch

5 Minute Stretch

“a fine line between precision and self-indulgence”

“There’s a fine line between precision and self-indulgence,” she says, looking smugly at me.

If only she knew she was right, that line has been made all the finer by her self-indulgent communications. Speaking to me but really speaking to herself, the same way she makes love, creates a sandwich, answers the phone…as though everything is really about her, especially when it is.

She calls her movements, her communication, her fucking “precise.” And I suppose it is. She has an expectation, she has a need, a desire, and this force that is her self must be satisfied. Still…while it’s dizzying at first, sucking you in, gracing you with it’s ethereal existence, time makes it grating, jarring, fucking annoying.

I could say “shut up,” but I don’t. I could simply walk out, walk away, move on with my life free from her pull…but I don’t. I can’t. Not really. But I can only put up with so much of this….

5 Minute Stretch Exercises are a creation of Laura Munson and were learned at Haven Writing Retreats. Write for five minutes, no corrections or stopping.
This prompt was taken from Writing Down the Bones, by Natalie Goldberg.

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